Friday, January 15, 2010

On Board - Unpacking, Jay Leno & The Beach Boys, all within 24 hours....

Posted by PicasaIt has been nonstop since we boarded.  Try fitting 8 suitcases worth of clothing into 3 drawers.  In order to appreciate this monumental feat, I have tried to give you a view of our room, above  It is a bit bigger then a postage stamp.  World Cruise and 3 drawers.....go figure.  Yes, I packed way too much.  BUT, it has all been 'put away'.  This is the smallest room we have ever had, but on this ship, it is one of the larger cabins to book.  We were supposed to leave at 2 today and now they are saying we may leave at 6.  That is OK because we really do not have any big plans for the next 119 days. 

I was disappointed in the size of the cabin and lack of space to 'store' clothes for the next 4.5 months.  We managed to store things under the bed in suitcases.  We also bought some extra hangers and now can say we are set and ready to go.  Last night we went to Ruth Chris for dinner.  It is across the street from where the ship is docked. and is our favorite place.  I don't think they have steaks as good on board Seven Seas. We chose to do this rather then eat on the ship with their fancy World Cruise dinner.  We also went shopping twice in downtown San Diego, which was great.  Weather yesterday a bit drippy but today is outstanding, sunny and perfect. 

You will be happy to hear, at least my kids will, that the only channel on tv we receive is FOX NEWS!  This is for real.  I will continue to remain updated on all world news for the duration of the cruise.  :)

Last night was the best night ever on a World Cruise.  Jay Leno is not my favorite late night, every night, person to watch on tv but last night he had the crowd laughing continually for a full hour.  We sat in the 3rd row center.  No prompter just straight routine with all current news pokes and jabs you could imagine.  The crowd loved him, as did I.   Then The Beach Boys for the next hour.  OMG, I love TBBs!  If this was typical cruise entertainment on the ship, I would never get off.  The audience was dancing up front, 'the pit'??  and in the aisles, and singing along with every song....This crowd knew all the words.  People on board are a really nice mix, and very well traveled.  I am happily delighted that they look similar in age to me.  Not a lot of really 'old' ready for bed by 8PM crowd which is nice.  Then, I wondered, maybe I am just getting that much older so therefore, they all just seem so young!.  The crowd was rockin which was a joy to see and be a part of.  I would guess at least a third are repeat World Cruisers, maybe more  and were remembering and welcoming each other like long lost friends. 

Now that I am unpacked, I feel much better.  I was in tears with the amount I packed and the amount of space alloted.  I guess others knew how to pack much better then I, or were having the same kind of troubles or maybe just aren't like me where I want everything put away and all counters cleared....:)  Poor David.....I can breath now.  We haven't even toured the ship yet.  Where is that spa anyway? Next stop French Polynesia . Six days at sea which I am so looking forward to.


  1. In the words of 'uncle andy:' have fun, but not too much fun.

  2. that's crazy so many people have already done this cruise...must be amazing! Sounds like the send-off was a lot of fun, be sure to continue to post (with pics)!
