Friday, January 29, 2010

The magic of the Moon

The moon was magnificent tonight. Hard to capture. Yesterday we outran, or tried to, some very unpleasant weather. I was horizontal from 12 noon until 8AM. We missed Apia, Samoa and are now on our way to Fiji. I put my first patch on for seasickness yesterday. I am not sure how well it worked as I felt sea sick all day as the ship rose and sank and clashed with the waves. I hear the wind was around 60mph and the waves were around 30 feet high. We never saw lunch or dinner, rather we just closed our eyes in a horizontal position and hoped for tomorrow. We just had dinner... Dinners here remain outstanding. I had beef carrpacio followed by risotto and since I ate ALL of the risotto, the rib eye pretty much went to waist....waste.....From a port day, we now had another sea day which means learning bridge and a lecture.... and for me, followed by crafting and computers, dinner and maybe a show tonight. Very lazy, I am. We have two more sea days before we hit port and I am cherishing each and every one of them. Life on board, for the moment, is very very good. Did I mention that I have a personal wine connoisseur. After two weeks, she knows my taste and she says....Ahhhh, tonight you will not like the wine has a peppery aftertaste...hence I get my very own bottle of a meritage.....I DID NOTdrink the WHOLE bottle.....but is was wonderful. Life is good.
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