Friday, January 8, 2010

My cabin.....and planning ahead

A Penthouse Suite Detail

Here is a picture of our Suite.  We are on the 10th deck #1009, right next to the people in the Penthouse.  I am sure they will be our new best friends....:)    One flight above us is the pool.  A good friend of mine in currently on the first segment of a World Cruise on Cunard.

Deck 10 DetailShe has sent me an email detailing how she is spending hours in the gym exercising and tells me how great that is.....She has signed up for classes.......Hmmmm.  I am a believer in 'to each his own'.  But, having a need to get my two cents in, always, I wrote back to tell her if she gets too buff ( making me look bad), I may have to reconsider being her good friend.  I feel she needs to learn that the WHOLE IDEA of cruising is to find a lounge chair on the pool deck, order a Banana Bailey Colada, open a book (to look intelligent and well read), then people watch and/or nap, hence having a cabin one flight below the pool.  Sometimes friends need a bit of guidance.
I am finally getting excited about this cruise.  I remain apprehensive about being gone so long and about being on one ship for 119 days.  I have been all over the internet trying to find out why people do this and really, is it fun? enjoyable?  Does it get monotonous - and where is spell check on these blogs????  In my head I am trying to decide, well first, do I want to do this blog??? Who am I talking to? myself? Do I tell the truth? :) I find most blogs talk about ports and give all the great details of what they see and do.  I really did not see anyone say Gosh, after my 3rd week I am tired of eating the same food or I am bored stiff or I want to throw my husband overboard......
Well, we'll see where it goes.  I am learning 'blogging' and everyone who knows me thinks Wow- you Blog? Not sure how to take that.  I SKYPED for the first time yesterday..... I must say I laughed a lot at my sister as we both were in our jammies and we both agreed our noses were HUGE.  I had to get really close to the screen to see the picture and all she could see of me was the top of my head.  I am learning how to delete songs I have hated for years on my IPOD.  I just signed on to Itunes but have yet to figure out how to put songs INTO my IPOD at 99cents a tune --- and now my son says GET A KINDLE!  Packing is tough enough.  Deciding to go on a WORLD CRUISE is tough enough.  Don't ever think that is all that you need to do to go on a big cruise.  Now, in addition, I have to learn all this 'new' technology and I have no spell check.......  I am told this is good for my brain.  I think I am killing whatever brain cells I have left in my brain.

1 comment:

  1. There is a spell check button, and I think your daughter told you to get a kindle first...
