Friday, January 29, 2010

The magic of the Moon

The moon was magnificent tonight. Hard to capture. Yesterday we outran, or tried to, some very unpleasant weather. I was horizontal from 12 noon until 8AM. We missed Apia, Samoa and are now on our way to Fiji. I put my first patch on for seasickness yesterday. I am not sure how well it worked as I felt sea sick all day as the ship rose and sank and clashed with the waves. I hear the wind was around 60mph and the waves were around 30 feet high. We never saw lunch or dinner, rather we just closed our eyes in a horizontal position and hoped for tomorrow. We just had dinner... Dinners here remain outstanding. I had beef carrpacio followed by risotto and since I ate ALL of the risotto, the rib eye pretty much went to waist....waste.....From a port day, we now had another sea day which means learning bridge and a lecture.... and for me, followed by crafting and computers, dinner and maybe a show tonight. Very lazy, I am. We have two more sea days before we hit port and I am cherishing each and every one of them. Life on board, for the moment, is very very good. Did I mention that I have a personal wine connoisseur. After two weeks, she knows my taste and she says....Ahhhh, tonight you will not like the wine has a peppery aftertaste...hence I get my very own bottle of a meritage.....I DID NOTdrink the WHOLE bottle.....but is was wonderful. Life is good.
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Thursday, January 28, 2010

So This Little Bird.....

I suspect today will feel like a long day having turned our clocks BACK again.   The sky is grey and rain taps at our windows as the ship moves up and down to the rythm of the seas.  Funny, as I was waking up and listening to the rain tapping, I also hear another more intriguing tapping at my balcony window.  What could THAT be.  We are in the middle of nowhere.  I open the curtains and see this tiny grey bird, looking forlorn, wet, and beat up by the storms around us.  I stood still and silent as I watched this tiny creaature.  He never flew away.  He just chirped and tapped.  A sole bird alone at sea....I slowly opened the balcony door, trying not to wake David.  I listen.  I watch.  I wait.  It was an amazing moment as this little guy seemed to try to tell me something....It was like....tap tap chirp iiiiiiay.....chirp tap.  Woah......  For real, I have never experienced this kind of close encounter with nature in my life.  I was stunned, motionless, as I waited.  The little bird looked at me, cocked its little head side to side and once again pecked, tapped, chirped a bit ..itsiiiiaaaay....chirp..   I know people would find this hard to believe...but once again, the bird flapped a bit, stood on one leg, then another and chirped as loudly as ever, for the whole ship to hear, I believe...."It's IAN"S BIRTHDAY!!!" he said.....Wow....I WAS impressed.  Happy Birthday Ian!  For this big day, I am passing along this little bird's best wishes.  I am having Barack give a little speach. I had Steve Jobs present a gift for your approval.  And, I had The Platters give a concert on the Ship last night.  Now, maybe I will see if the Captain can blow the horn!   But maybe the little bird already spilled the beans....

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Saying Goodbye to Bora Bora

It was sad to leave such a beautiful island.  We loved Bora Bora.  We loved Moorea.  The weather was perfect.  After meeting the dolphins in Moorea, we were ready to open our circle of friends to sharks and sting rays.  Our very young tour guides motored their rickety boat with no life jackets insite out of the bay and into the ocean. The black fin sharks were agressive,quick, and menacing as they circled our boat slashing for bits of food thrown by the guide.  I was a very happy camper to be sitting in our 'very sturdy' rusty little skiff with the thin glass bottom.  Next stop: up front and personal with tourist loving sting rays.  Our young guide assured us that these rays were 'friendly", loved people, and he knew them personally for twenty years..only these same sting rays were in this one part of the ocean like .. forever and ever.....uh huh....Just don't put your hands under the little guys if you treasured fingers.  Steve Irwin never entered our minds.  When we arrived at this special spot with 3 other similar boats, we found the water crystal clear, amazing aqua in color and about 85 degrees. Entering the water was the high point of this tour so far...OMG it was heaven.    As the first sting ray circled around David and lightly touched his leg, I saw  him start to turn and waist high water.  It was so funny, he got a good 2" away.  Then we got more comfortable, but I still worried about those tails.  These rays were like GIANT swimmimg mushrooms with one eye.  The feel was soft and squishy, eerie.  What an adventure.  After the tour we went to Bloody Marys for lunch. It is still a romantic tropically decorated place with a sand floor.  Guess what?  They sell mugs!  As we sailed away that night, we circled a Holland America ship in the bay before we headed out to sea.  We blasted "Bali Hi" and other such songs throughout the ship which just made it that much sadder to sail away. A special sail away drink in a real coconut shell helped soothe the saddness.  (They had the coconuts in a sand bed to hold them upright.  The 'sand' was breadcrumbs...nice trick for future parties..) At sunset, we sailed past Little Bora Bora.  The picture taken here is a lone fisherman headed home for the night.  A perfect day in Paradise once agian.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

French Polynesia

After six days at sea it was nice to set foot on land. Our first four ports were Niku Hiva, Papeete, Moorea and Bora Bora. My favorite so far is Moorea. The beauty of the island from out little boat was breath taking. No tours in Papeete. We walked the town and went into the market place. I think to appreciate this island, you need to get away from the port and head inland. At night, the ship's deck was turned into Paradise. They decorated the deck with palm leaves, decorated tables, brought out tons of food and hired Island dancers for our entertainment. Well done. Anchoring in Moorea, we took a dolphin watching tour with Dr Michael Pool. We learned all about spinner dolphins as the swam all around and under our boat for a few hours. He has studied dolphins in this area for 22 years. It was fasinating to be so close to them as played away while we snapped pictures. None of photos were great as they never stopped long enough for my one great shot. I deleted a lot of pictures of water. We are heading to Bora Brra right now and will feed sharks and swim with sting rays. I will be interested in seeing if David gets in the water...:) The weather is hot and humid with rain off and on.  I am getting the hang of World Cruising when ports are interesting and we find fun things to do in these far away lands.  Love the adventure of the shore and having the joy of air conditionig upon our return.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Flo.....

I do not understand all.  I spend a great deal of time trying to move a photo of my dinner from my camera to my blog and it ends up being my desk top.  I  try to move a lovely photo of an early morning walk on deck to a new blog entry and it lands in a place called' photo gallery'.  I never knew I had a photo gallery. It takes forever to find where these photos go as I try to write a simple narrative.  Somehow the 'web', this blackhole in space, is toying with my patience.  As I try to make sense in a thing called 'blog', it laughingly sends my photos through every conceivable door in cyberspace and only God knows where they will end up.  No one tells me anything.

We are pounding our way to Papeete.  It is around 80 degrees and humid.  We get to keep an eye on world events like the elections and Haiti on our 1 tv channel..  We have had some great lectures on board from a former astronaut who is telling us all about his walk on the moon, for real, and the 'behind the scenes' stories of what it was like to be in this elite group.  He is 73 years old. One of the lectures will be proof that we really did walk on the moon and it really isn't a conspiracy.  Ha, he must be reading my mind in the back row. We had talks about history in the Pacific and have learned that the highest 'recorded' waves in this part of the world were 100 feet high.  Now they tell us,  Tonight I am going to fill our bath tub. Around 10:15 pm, as the water drains, the water 'should go' from clockwise to counter clockwise in the tub as we cross the equator.  All usefull information I am picking up on a daily basis.

I am learning FLO.....trying to encourage my A type personality to calm down and just be.  There are many choices in the daily schedule but we are narrowing it down to our comfort level and interests.  We are both walking around the deck at 7AM, then breakfast, Bridge lessons, lecture, then lunch.  I find the deck chairs really really need my full attention for a bit ater lunch.  David loves his trivia and actually, his team won a game.  From what I understand there is one team that wins every time and it is starting to 'irritate' others....:)  This afternoon, we are going to a 'Country Fair' next to the pool.  Still figuring out how to fill the days when all options exist within the limits of one ship.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Typical Dinner Typical Day...Day 2 already

I was asked about a 'typical' dinner and a 'typcal day'.  Food onboard has been good.  Too much, but good.  I find I am not hungry any more for breakfast, lunch or dinnner and definately can pass on tea and it has only been (almost) two days.  Last night was formal dinner and we started with a soft shelled crab, a great salad with rasberry vinegrette (oranges/avacados/walnuts/goat cheese).  I started eating before I remembered to take a photo...but it was good, light, fresh.  Pasta if you wanted it.. we tried it...shared it to save calories....Let's see, we forgot to order the champaign cleanser... Then Beef Wellington which had a nice cut of beef but seemed premade as opposed to homemade.  Not as good as mine....:)  And creme brulle for me ice cream for David.   I think all this food just settles in your behind during the two hour grazing.  It was formal night, so we felt the need to indulge, just this once.  Today we made a pact......salad for lunch and salad and main course only for dinner.  This is day 2..... It is very sad.

We did not go to a show last night, ball room dancers who we are told are very good.  Instead, we headed to our room to await our schedule so we could plan our second day at sea.  David fell asleep.... I watched Fox news, well lip read as it came in and out.  At around 10, I found the schedule and decided on a 'in pencil' plan for my day at sea.  Let me tell you, the pool, the sun, and a cushioned lounge chair are starting to be my favorite thing.  I figure it is still a bit cool and so perfect and soon it will be too hot to go out there. 

David was up first and once I was awake, we started our master plan for the day.  We missed stretch at 8am... drats, we missed body conditioning too...we then made plans as follows:  Typical cruise day:::Drawing, Needlepointers at the window, Lecture, lecture (two hours...great talks but too long to be sitting), beginner bridge, trivia,baggo tournament, darts, arts and crafts, fruit flambe tea, trivia, dinner, show.  We talked about starting to do the 'walk around the deck' walk as it would be good for us.  Actually, I brought it up, David wasn't that impressed with the idea. You can plan away and be busy all day.....but after lunch you bypass those great lounge chairs on the way to the baggo it gets really really tough.  What did I do? Days end????  Truth be told,  We both did bridge lessons.  We attended a lecture. We had lunch, those lounge chairs at the pool dragged me in, I was helplessly overtaken and David did baggo on his own...David did trivia. David did tea, David did trivia again.....ummmmmm and we are thinking of having dinner delivered.....David is going down to write down what is on the menu.  I figure there are always decisions to make and all great plans, well, as great as they sound at 10 PM or 10 AM, sometimes adjustments have to be made.  There is always tomorrow.  In a nutshell, a typical dinner and a typical day.

First Night

Our first night onboard was a rocky one.  Once in bed, and the lights off, our room became haunted.  The doors open and closed repeatedly.  The TV rotated back and forth as if trying to decide where to aim itself so people could watch...from the couch or from the bed.  And there was a crash from the bathroom.  Being seasoned cruisers, we both jumped up.  Guess what David devised to stop the TV from rotating???  Then we devised a great doorstop.  I managed to transfer all the lotions etc from the glass shelves along the mirror to the shelves underneath the sink and closed the doors.   

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Friday, January 15, 2010

On Board - Unpacking, Jay Leno & The Beach Boys, all within 24 hours....

Posted by PicasaIt has been nonstop since we boarded.  Try fitting 8 suitcases worth of clothing into 3 drawers.  In order to appreciate this monumental feat, I have tried to give you a view of our room, above  It is a bit bigger then a postage stamp.  World Cruise and 3 drawers.....go figure.  Yes, I packed way too much.  BUT, it has all been 'put away'.  This is the smallest room we have ever had, but on this ship, it is one of the larger cabins to book.  We were supposed to leave at 2 today and now they are saying we may leave at 6.  That is OK because we really do not have any big plans for the next 119 days. 

I was disappointed in the size of the cabin and lack of space to 'store' clothes for the next 4.5 months.  We managed to store things under the bed in suitcases.  We also bought some extra hangers and now can say we are set and ready to go.  Last night we went to Ruth Chris for dinner.  It is across the street from where the ship is docked. and is our favorite place.  I don't think they have steaks as good on board Seven Seas. We chose to do this rather then eat on the ship with their fancy World Cruise dinner.  We also went shopping twice in downtown San Diego, which was great.  Weather yesterday a bit drippy but today is outstanding, sunny and perfect. 

You will be happy to hear, at least my kids will, that the only channel on tv we receive is FOX NEWS!  This is for real.  I will continue to remain updated on all world news for the duration of the cruise.  :)

Last night was the best night ever on a World Cruise.  Jay Leno is not my favorite late night, every night, person to watch on tv but last night he had the crowd laughing continually for a full hour.  We sat in the 3rd row center.  No prompter just straight routine with all current news pokes and jabs you could imagine.  The crowd loved him, as did I.   Then The Beach Boys for the next hour.  OMG, I love TBBs!  If this was typical cruise entertainment on the ship, I would never get off.  The audience was dancing up front, 'the pit'??  and in the aisles, and singing along with every song....This crowd knew all the words.  People on board are a really nice mix, and very well traveled.  I am happily delighted that they look similar in age to me.  Not a lot of really 'old' ready for bed by 8PM crowd which is nice.  Then, I wondered, maybe I am just getting that much older so therefore, they all just seem so young!.  The crowd was rockin which was a joy to see and be a part of.  I would guess at least a third are repeat World Cruisers, maybe more  and were remembering and welcoming each other like long lost friends. 

Now that I am unpacked, I feel much better.  I was in tears with the amount I packed and the amount of space alloted.  I guess others knew how to pack much better then I, or were having the same kind of troubles or maybe just aren't like me where I want everything put away and all counters cleared....:)  Poor David.....I can breath now.  We haven't even toured the ship yet.  Where is that spa anyway? Next stop French Polynesia . Six days at sea which I am so looking forward to.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Rearranging - rethinking - planning

Learning to Blog:  Frustration... determination... trial and error.... magic.....I bring you the first segment of the World Cruise 'in detail'.  For those 'in the know', I salute you.  For me...:) .....  Well, it is a moment to be proud.  :)  This was no simple cut and drag photo, mind you.  

Can't sleep, again, so I wait until 6AM and make my cup of coffee.  I am wondering how the next few months will play out.  I am 'almost' out of things to check off of my list of things to do.  I already miss everyone.  I already appreciate my family, my friends and my home....... hmmmmm. 

Doing last minute excursions...sans Regent....Nambia...Sossusvlei Day Excursion or Himba Day Trip? .  

Countdown.....3 more nights in my own bed......

Friday, January 8, 2010

My cabin.....and planning ahead

A Penthouse Suite Detail

Here is a picture of our Suite.  We are on the 10th deck #1009, right next to the people in the Penthouse.  I am sure they will be our new best friends....:)    One flight above us is the pool.  A good friend of mine in currently on the first segment of a World Cruise on Cunard.

Deck 10 DetailShe has sent me an email detailing how she is spending hours in the gym exercising and tells me how great that is.....She has signed up for classes.......Hmmmm.  I am a believer in 'to each his own'.  But, having a need to get my two cents in, always, I wrote back to tell her if she gets too buff ( making me look bad), I may have to reconsider being her good friend.  I feel she needs to learn that the WHOLE IDEA of cruising is to find a lounge chair on the pool deck, order a Banana Bailey Colada, open a book (to look intelligent and well read), then people watch and/or nap, hence having a cabin one flight below the pool.  Sometimes friends need a bit of guidance.
I am finally getting excited about this cruise.  I remain apprehensive about being gone so long and about being on one ship for 119 days.  I have been all over the internet trying to find out why people do this and really, is it fun? enjoyable?  Does it get monotonous - and where is spell check on these blogs????  In my head I am trying to decide, well first, do I want to do this blog??? Who am I talking to? myself? Do I tell the truth? :) I find most blogs talk about ports and give all the great details of what they see and do.  I really did not see anyone say Gosh, after my 3rd week I am tired of eating the same food or I am bored stiff or I want to throw my husband overboard......
Well, we'll see where it goes.  I am learning 'blogging' and everyone who knows me thinks Wow- you Blog? Not sure how to take that.  I SKYPED for the first time yesterday..... I must say I laughed a lot at my sister as we both were in our jammies and we both agreed our noses were HUGE.  I had to get really close to the screen to see the picture and all she could see of me was the top of my head.  I am learning how to delete songs I have hated for years on my IPOD.  I just signed on to Itunes but have yet to figure out how to put songs INTO my IPOD at 99cents a tune --- and now my son says GET A KINDLE!  Packing is tough enough.  Deciding to go on a WORLD CRUISE is tough enough.  Don't ever think that is all that you need to do to go on a big cruise.  Now, in addition, I have to learn all this 'new' technology and I have no spell check.......  I am told this is good for my brain.  I think I am killing whatever brain cells I have left in my brain.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Special delivery. All World Cruisers are given an option to send their luggage AHEAD so that when they get to their cabin....VOILA !  it magically is waiting.  Luggage leaves today and we arrive, hopefully, 8 days from now.  We overpacked, which if you know me is a 'real shocker' (when in doubt, pack it)...wonder who gets to unpack them? 
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Rollin.......... Rollin.....sounds like a song.  Bags going clickety clack down the sidewalk.  Even the help needs help.  Bags are packed and leaving ahead of our arrival.   This leaves us with a week of freedom and nothing to do but anticipate.  Is that great or what?
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Lined up like soldiers......a parade of suitcases. 4 really really big and 2 medium filled with everything imaginable for a World Cruise. They are ready before we are.... 307 pounds total....Impressive.  Want a list of what is packed?
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