Saturday, February 12, 2011

White Island

Last night during dinner the Captain announced that we will be circling White Island from 7AM to 8AM in the morning.  Yike!  I HAVE to get up at 7AM ?  On a SEA DAY?  Ian and Trisha will understand my shock.  Once again, we left the curtains open and anticipated this new addition to our itinerary.  When the light of day started to rouse us, I jumped out of bed, and in my jammies, hung over the balcony to see this much anticipated volcano.


Nothing but ocean as far as the eye can see....
I turned on our TV to that Special Channel where you can see everything in front of our ship..... Nothing.

David said just be patient.....

I climbed back into bed and flipped between Special Channel and FOX news to hear the latest on Egypt....waiting for Mubarak to step down. 

Promptly at 7AM, off in the distance, a huge black mass could be observed at 1:00.
Back to the balcony I went. When we arrived, the much anticipated active volcano was covered by a huge, dark, ominous cloud. We "World Travelers", as we like to call ourselves, are always ready for anything.  I maintained my attentive vigil and remained hopeful. As we circled the cloud enveloped island, I moved back and forth between  bed and  balcony. Not much, nothing much, ever patient.... until the very end of our hour.....Ever so slowly, the cloud began to lift and we were treated to a hauntingly beautiful view of the blown out side of the crater, an active volcano surrounded by crystal clear water.  We were close enough to see the heat and billowing steam coming from the base of this magnificant beauty.

 I later read about White Island.  It was founded by Captain Cook and named White Island because of the ever present cloud on top of it...OK....I get it. The cloud is formed by the heat and steamy mist of the volcano. Two of its cones are dormant now and one remains active. It last erupted in 2000. It often spews ash, gas and steam. It is the BEST dive spot in New Zealand.

So the gods smiled on us today. I did not know what were were going to see today, but was definitely happy that we took the time to circle it and with ample patience and perseverance were able to see it.

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