Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Antarctica to Scotland during the night....

Oh, I have to tell you this.  Before we got off the ship this morning, we were greeted by the most adorable security Beagle I have ever seen.  He was dressed in uniform.  I so wanted to take him home.  I followed the immigration officer so much watching this little guy and trying to take pictures that I began to think I better step back or I would be cuffed and taken ashore for stalking..... God, I was in love..... :)  My new friend....

David and I opted out of the 6 hour train ride (3 hours there/and 3 hours back) where more than 400 of our fellow guests went and instead took a marine wildlife cruise in an old fisherman's boat to see nature. For some reason I am now into baby animals... Eleven people were on our tour. We had the whole ship to ourselves. I think the ship’s Captain came from Boston (?).... I am getting so confused with accents: Maori, Australian, English,, Boston? and Scottish lately.  I can't understand any of them! " Ga Day, Ta Day, The Seat lers, On the leafft, Leaving the HAA bouar, Shaa ocks, .... You con EYE DEEN Ta FIII SEA Ails .... "

Our two hour tour took us into Otago Harbor, past several bays, and ended at the protected area of Taiaroa Head, the only man made colony of Royal Albatross's in the world. While soaring, none of them slowed down enough for me to snap great pictures. They were beautiful with their long wing spans. In pairs they gracefully glided around the cliffs and overhead. We saw southern fur seals that blended so much into the rocks, that they were impossible to see.  And we saw little blue and rare yellow-eyed penguins that were so very tiny and extremely quick. They darted under the water every time I managed to spot one.  I was not quick enough with my eye, my brain, and my finger,  We were told this siting was rare during the day. I never had so much trouble trying to take pictures in my life. Wild animals.... go figure.  I ended up just enjoying the fact I could see them.  The scenery was breath taking. Just when you think New Zealand can't get any more beautiful, it does.

After our tour I dropped David off at the ship and took a shuttle in to town.

It is interesting how with each port in New Zealand we find the underling identity of Maori and a new identity on top that celebrates each towns own identity. In Dunedin, we find Scotland. Originally, Dunedin was called New Edinburgh but was later changed to Edinburgh's old Celtic name, Dunedin. The Scots came here to start a new life and to discover gold. I knew of the Scottish history and knowing we were to be 'in DUNEDIN... well, my hopes were on high alert to see what this was all about. Scotland in New Zealand.  Nice. As I got off the shuttle in town what do I hear? Bagpipes! I leaped off the bus and headed for the sound. I so wanted a picture of a bagpiper in New Zealand to send home. I almost ran down the hill in the  center heading for the sound.... What I found was a Scottish store selling Cd's. No matter, in this part of the woods I was quite happy to be even this close to Scotland. :)

The Scots arrived here in 1848. All the streets have Scottish names. This tiny, compact, easily walked town maintains a proud Scottish heritage. Maybe this is why I feel so comfortable here. In the city center is an octagon shape. Around this octagon are lots of trees and flowers and shops and little outdoor cafes where people just hang out. The street is wide and bustling with people. Down and within some of the streets are little malls. I found a few yarn shops, a vegetarian cafe, an antique shop, a local arts and crafts shop, and a pottery co-op.... Oh, best of ALL?  Cadbury makes CHOCOLATE here! All the crew came back to the ship with bags of 'seconds'..... Meghan would love it here! Just out of town we passed the new stadium being built where they will host Rugby World Cup 2011....in September-- Caelan, always ready, has his "Rugby T-shirt" (in my suitcase) and is ready to watch the games ... (in front of the fire? ) GO SCOTLAND! I spent a few hours in town, walked around, had lunch and then headed back to the ship.

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