Monday, January 3, 2011

Here We Go Again!

I find it hard to believe I am once again packing for a World Cruise. I have two suitcases packed and another to go. Last year we had 300 pounds of luggage to ship. This year, I am cutting back! Not taking as many clothes! I say! Cutting back! Take only what is needed! Think of all the stuff you never wore! Merge this with a philosophy "If you have to think about it, take it'. I hate when I make a plan to take less and then when the time comes, I am shocked I packed as much as I did the last time. Even though I have not had to sit on the suitcases (pack lightly) (leave room for all souvenirs I am not going to buy this time!) I felt so proud of my feelings I had LESS ... until I filled 2 huge suitcases and have room to fill yet another... This was not the plan.... tomorrow we repack .... I really really want to get that weight down....... (But what will I feel like wearing?) :) Sigh........ I have the tours at all the ports planned and booked. Some minor tweaking needed here. I have my new Kindle loaded with books and games. I packed my crafts. My Ipod needs a few new songs ..... By golly..... The suitcases head for the ship on Wednesday! Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed ..... I just sit and procrastinate... Hence we begin to BLOG!

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