Monday, January 31, 2011

Zipping at 17 Knots Across the Pacific...

Faster then a speeding bullet! That's us as we speed across the Pacific Ocean hitting Hawaii and French Polynesia (Moorea, Tahiti, and Bora Bora). Hard to believe 16 nights have passed. If you LOVE nature and love sea days, this is the cruise for you! The weather has been a tad cool up until a few days ago. Now it is TOO HOT! It reminds me of Chicago where you go right from Winter to Summer ... no Spring. Speaking of Chicago, 2 feet of snow??? Biggest storm in centuries? Massive, they say...  Frigid weather ?   So so sorry.... no,  really,  I feel for ya! .. .. :)   It looks like it covers the whole US!   Bummer.   Stay warm.  Stay Safe.

So talking about how hard life is on the cruise after all these island and sea days without getting off the ship will garner no sympathy?   As David heals away, we find ourselves on board cancelling all tours. This is the hard part. Good thing we have been here before. We are just picturing ourselves doing the tours and hoping for some better days ahead. Above I snapped a picture of the Equator. We had to brace ourselves as we went over the bump. No one was hurt but we did party and had a few drinks to celebrate this occasion. One day the Captain made home made pasta for everyone on the ship and served us all a great lunch at the pool.
Here is a shot from my balcony of Moorea. This is one of the prettiest islands because of its lush sharp peaks jutting out of the ocean. We arrived at sunrise with dark clouds and mist and just enjoyed the view throughout the day as the sun came out and the sky cleared. Sun and shadows played with the mountains and the peaks just kept changing colors during the day. I loved watching the boats sail past. The sunset was amazing.
I did get off the ship and walked around Papeete. Not much to see in town. Right before we left this tiny island, local dancers came aboard and danced for us. I watched their hips in amazement. How DO they do that?
In Bora Bora, we loved these little huts above the sea. I hear that they have glass floors where you can see the fish below from your room. The waters here are amazingly clear and every shade of blue you can imagine. Bloody Mary's is here. We went last year .... So this year we just had fond thoughts of it. We have 3 sea days ahead as we head to TONGA. Now, TONGA, does that sound cool or what?
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