Friday, February 5, 2010

Noumea, New Caledonia

Sailing in to New Caledonia was a jolt and a surprise. Nothing prepared us for the beauty of the port and all this long island had to offer. None of my pictures did this island justice. From the look out points, I just stood speechless. I did not want to leave.  Australians come here for their holiday. We roamed the town, took in a grocery store and spent time in their amazing aquarium. We bypassed an amazing French Pasrty Shop .....couldn't talk David into it. Everything here is super expensive. Since it is summer, everyone seemed to be out enjoying the beaches and the water. Every water sport you can think of was being enjoyed including kite skiing, sailing, fishing, boating and just laying on the beach sans tops....David noticed. The huge port town did not have much to it but because so many cruise ships are coming in, they are going to spiff it up and do major updates. A great place to practice your French! The other side of the island was full of tiny boutique shops and cream parlors.... definately a place to spend a week and just relax.

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