Monday, February 22, 2010

Lombok, Indonesia

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If you asked me for one word describing Lombok, I would say primitive.  It is about 25 miles from Bali,  85% Sasak, and primarily Hindu.  Tourism they say is increasing but I can't imagine, right now, a reason one would want to go and spend any time there.  Electricity is almost non existant, no toilets, no refrigeration,  education a luxury for most.  There is pride that 20% of their women can now go to high school. Most live in one room homes with one door and no windows.  Automobiles are a luxury as ponys with carts and motorcycles rule the motorway.  White skinned people are 'touched' as their skin is a novelty and liked for its 'softness'.   Doctors are often shunned for the favored Medicine Man.  Males do not want their women 'touched', even for an injection.  I enjoyed 'visiting' this island and the people were super friendly.  Our group seemed to be the attraction but then again this group is the 'attraction' where ever we go. I loved visiting the colorful Cakranegra Market.  I intensly disliked the agressive vendors but understood this was their livelyhood.  I loved the antics of a little boy, his love of attention, and the pure joy he had 'entertaining' us as we waited in line for our tender back to the ship.

Double click on above photos to enlarge: Photos of a watch store, eggs for sale, the Market, store front and some traffic jams in Lombok.

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