Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hong Kong overnight

Thanks to some quick navigation we arrived in Hong Kong 12 hours early.  Our Captain timed it so we could be in the bay just as the Hong Kong laser light show began.  Every night at 8PM, for 15 minutes, Hong Kong has a light show where all the buildings display blinking lights in patterns as laser beams are beamed from one side of the bay to the other.  What fun.  Being in the middle of this display on the water was much more fun then what you can see perched on a bar stool at a hotel on land.

One thing David and I agree on is to do important things first.  As soon as we got cleared by immigration, at 9PM, way past our usual bedtime,  we headed off the ship found an ATM for Hong Kong dollars, hailed a cab and drove as quick as we could to Ruth's Chris.  Steaks on board the ship are not even close to what you can find in Chicago.  What is that flavor?  I said to David....salt, he said. Yum.

We were on our own in Hong Kong.  We love it here.  We have been here many times, done the tours and are comfortable on our own.  One thing we did not do was to go to the Jade Market.  Once again, map in hand, we hailed a taxi.  Not many taxi drivers in Hong Kong speak English so we point to where we want to go.  Fares are by zones.  It was a $3 cab fare.  Even though it is a touristy thing to do and had great reviews, we were in and out of the Jade Market in 20 minutes.  Every table had the same thing and you just don't know what is real.  In these markets you bargain your way for everything.  Your starting offer is usually half of what they ask.  By the end they protest and fuss that they are being taken.  But, that is the fun for both parties.  You are considered very foolish if you pay the asking price.  When they see the tourist, you just know the price is increased to start with.
After the Jade Market I spied a real market with real everyday people across the street.  My kind of fun.  Here is where the people shop.  I am sure it is all bargained here too.  None of the meat was refrigerated.  This market sold mostly food and flowers, all fresh.  After seeing the meat stalls I understood why people become vegetarians.

Our ship was docked at Harbor City which is a huge shopping complex that runs for miles in all directions with the best stores and highest prices the world has ever seen.  What a culture shock after the Markets.  We had lunch here.  David found a watch he had been looking for for years.  I found the Aveda Spa....need I say more?

The following day we just enjoyed being in Hong Kong and even took a ride on the Star Ferry docked right next to our ship.  On the last night before we left Regent treated all World Cruisers to dinner at the famed Four Seasons Hotel.  In addition to dinner and entertainment I had my fortune told, a personalized fan made just for me and a paper cutting of an Ox hand cut while I waited. In the Chinese Zodiac the Oz is patient and speaks little, inspires confidence in others, angers easily, can be eccentric, is remarkably stubborn, and hates to fail or be opposed.  Funny, both David and I are Ox.

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