Friday, March 4, 2011

the Top End

A short journey out of Darwin traveling on the Arnhem Highway, past fields of Mango farms,  past Humpty Doo, into some wetlands, and on the Adelaide River, we arrived in Kakadu, home of the Jumping Crocodiles, stars of a Famous Show and tourist attraction.  Yike!  We threw caution to the wind. We were well aware that keeping our hands, arms and toes tucked safely within the confines of the boat was a good idea.  We headed out into the wilds of their natural habitat.  We wanted to be one with these bad boys. 
No cages here, the saltwater crocks are free to swim, jump, and quietly terrorize us with their menacing look ... or a quick chomp.  Crocodiles are everywhere yet seldom seen.  They mask themselves in the murky rivers and on the shore.  You can see them slowly swim toward the boat then disappear under the water.  They then reappear right at the base of the boat where a guide holds out a pork chop on a stick above the water...... As I took pictures I worried a bit that my camera just might also look like a pork chop to them.  Awesome. 

The crocs were fed..... pork chops

croc nest

birds swept in for a bite of a pork chop too

lying in wait for tourists...

Shrimp were thrown into the air for birds to catch in flight.

We left the Top End just as the sun was setting.  I kicked back and enjoyed a slightly cool breeze while on my balcony. Once again I said Thank You and Good-Bye to Australia.  She was a terrific hostess.  As we point the ship North toward Bali we have two sea days ahead of us,  a good time to rest up before my Balinese cooking class at the Alila Manggis Resort.

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