Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sunrise to Ho Chi Minh City

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Captain Dag suggested we get up early this morning as the sail in to Ho Chi Minh City is something to see. We were up before dawn and perched ourselves on the balcony. We ordered breakfast in so we could relax and have breakfast on the balcony while the day was new and a warm that was welcoming rather then the awful hot we have had lately. As tired as we were, watching this sliver of pale pink sunshine start from a pinpoint to a full blown 'can't look at it' power ball of sunshine was a sight to experience. All sunsets and sunrises and yes, rainbows, amaze me with their power and beauty. I have about 100 photos of this sunrise. Can't bring myself to erase any of them...:) My camera needed two batteries. It was peaceful and quiet as we sailed in. The sky was pink and orange and blue. Boats sailed passed us sometimes quite near, sometimes a speck, just a black outline. We passed rice farms, islands, barges and busy fishermen. This was a definite highlight, so much natural beauty before sailing into a port. When we started to see (through the smog there appeared an outline of buildings) Ho Chi Minh City, it was like sailing from a "relaxed and beautiful pick me up I am So happy to be alive momen"' the city shock of polluted water, garbage, smog, traffic and 8 million people. And the tour begins......

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