Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Good Morning! Nha Trang

How could I resist saying 'GOOD MORNING VIETNAM!' when I am here.... ? With all the fighting and protests in the 60's & 70's who would guess Vietnam would become a tourist haven? My first impression of Nha Trang was that it was a sweet sleepy touristy beach resort town. The beaches are lovely. This image came to a quick halt once the bus got moving and the motorcyles started zipping around us like we were standing still.  We stopped at our first destination, Long don Pagoda, under construcion again.  We side stepped the sand and dirt and made our way through throngs of people selling stuff.  My, my... did anyone mention it was hot and humid in this part of the world during this time of year? We are back in the oven once again with people selling fans and whistles. Here, they get to know you and ask you questions. My vendor knew Obama when I said Chicago. She was like glue and became my personal tour guide while at this stop. They ask you to leave your shoes when you enter the temple then charge a dollar to get them back. I felt bad and guilty not buying the postcards and the paintings and the fans and the whistles. I understand their dependence on this kind of sale but I also feel upset that they come at you with such a fierceness that it wears you out. I could not get back on the bus fast enough. Traffic here is crazy. Everyone has a pedibike, a motocycle, a car or a bike and they whiz past you at the speed of light. We saw some very interesting things being carried by motorcycle. We visited a market where the guide took us to her company's store. We also visited a silk embroidery shop. They were painting with silk threads. Everyone looked busy but I wondered if it was 'real' or for show. I have been burned before and was leery about the reality of this shop. The number of these paintings for sale was amazing. If I were doing this sort of thing, my work area would be messy. Here, the skeins were arranged nicely by the side, looking as if no thread was pulled.....so I wondered. Everywhere we drove, people were sitting at tables on the curb, talking, eating, and passing time. We did see a bride and groom and she was lovely. Not a lot to report here. Lots for sale, how much you want to pay...... but nothing caught our interest. Ho Chi Minh tomorrow!
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