Sunday, March 21, 2010

16 Hours

We arrived at the Bangkok Airport on Saturday around noon. We were taken straight to the Shangri'La Hotel to meet up with the rest of the ship guests for an overnight in this vibrant city. We knew ahead of time that mass demonstrations were expected during our time there. On the way to the hotel some streets were closed off and traffic was at a standstill. From what we witnessed, everything was peaceful. From our balcony we were able to watch a parade of protestors pass by honking their horns and waving flags. Many boaters also flew red flags in support. This lasted a few hours. David was worried when
 I was on the balcony waving at protestors in support.... (They waved back..:) ) Ya never know who can be taking pictures of those American sympathizers, I guess. We really enjoyed the air conditioned room and great shower at the hotel. It was 97 degrees again and I just needed a break from the weather. We chose to rest and enjoy the creature comforts of the hotel. We took a sunset cruise along the Chao Praya River. Regent put on a really nice fireworks display afterwards. I was too tired for dinner. We had a 4:30 AM wake up call for our next adventure, a flight to Yangon...then to Bagan...Bangkok was just a hit and run stop.
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