Wednesday, May 12, 2010

In a Heartbeat

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Would I do it again? In a Heartbeat. All of our bags are packed and sitting outside the door. They are ready to be picked up by magic elves in the night. The next time we will see them will be in Ft Lauderdale where we pick them up and show them to Customs. I so hope we are not selected for inspection. I hear if you are selected every single thing comes out of your bag to be looked at by all.

What a trip we have had! Hard to believe four months are over. It really has gone by quickly. I don't think the impact of this trip will hit us until we get home. Regent just put on a "Farewell" show with clips from some of our ports. Everyone in the audience was quiet. Wow .... Did we do that? All that? Everyday has been an adventure. Everyday something new. We are SO spoiled by the service, the food, the care. As it happens, you just go with it. When it ends, you sit back in amazement. I went around the world! Pretty amazing. Something I would wish everyone would do at some point in their lives.

Favorite port? Favorite country? Favorite tour? I know I will be asked. Please don't be upset if I can't give an answer. I loved our sail in to Komodo Island and to Ho Chi Minh City. We loved our Safari in Africa at Singita Lebombo. I loved being within feet of 5 well fed and happy lions. Africa is a place I would love to go back to and explore. The beautiful waters in French Polynesia, the Caribbean, the Great Barrier Reef  kept me spellbound on the balcony. I loved swimming with the Sting Rays and being in the warm azure crystal clear waters.  I have never seen so many colors of water all blended together. I will remember the frightening scary swelling of the seas and the outrunning of a few storms. It was a real tear jerker coming home to the Philippines where every one on this ship had family and we all reunited then said Good-Bye. We have seen so many ways of living, of being. We have had some real surprises learning about cities. Singapore, Shanghai, South Africa, Myanmar, Bagan, Togo ... all amazing places to visit. It has been fun waking up and wondering where you are. If I didn''t know the day, well that's OK. I just needed to know if it is 11 AM it's Bullion time.  Just that bit of knowledge got me through most days.  Bittersweet time.

This blog has been hard keeping up and doing but I am happy I did it, for myself to look back on and for my friends and family who were interested in coming along. We have one more dinner on board. I am looking out my window watching the ripple of the waves dance by, taking me home,  North?  I believe?  :) 

The Internet gets shut off at midnight.

They throw me off around 9 AM .........

Hmmmmm ....

I guess that means it's over. ?   ...   Hey, easy there fella!

Well, yes, until next time.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Virgin Gorda & The Baths -Tortola

We love coming here .... every time seems like the first time and it never gets tiring.  The boulders long ago crashed here creating a beautiful beach/hiding place with caves/and a place to relax and enjoy nature at its finest. The waters are crystal  azures greens and blues.  You can see the tiny fish swim by your feet or take your snorkel gear and go to the bigger rocks and see the BIG fish swimming without a care.  Water temperature is walk in perfect. It takes about 30 minutes to climb through these gigantic boulders to find Devils Beach at the other side.  They serve  a drink here called Pain Killer ...not sure why but it is really good.  I took tons of pictures that probably only I will ever enjoy.  It is one of those places you just come, with camera, and feast your eyes on the raw beauty of nature and imagine you can be one with  nature...... It is/was my idea of heaven.  Definitely worth a family outing here.

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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Antigua Sunrise

Posted by PicasaI AM UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   So I thought I would share my sunrise with you ...... It should be there soon!

Capturing a Sliver of Barbados

We definitely have to put Barbados on our Family Reunion list. We were fortunate to be under artistic eye of Ronnie Carrington, one of Barbados most famous photographers. He took us all around and through this island. We passed miles of rugged boulders down along a jagged sea and beautiful sand beaches, green forests, and well maintained and terraced farmland, quaint villages and breath taking scenery in every direction. Though a photographer's eye, you see it all. Barbados is BEAUTIFUL. You capture the best of what the island has to offer through the lens of your camera. Having our own personal photographer along, all spots were pre picked for our enjoyment. We just had to get out of the bus, snap some photos, get back  on and listen to stories. (A grueling day! :) ) He showed us his award winning photographs while he told us about his family, the history of Barbados and all who have lived on this island before us as well as what is happening now. You feel a sense of pride here. Things are kept clean. Roads easily traveled. Education is taken seriously with the literacy rate being 97%, among the highest in the western hemisphere. People have more then one job.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

At Sea on 112 , 2 or 3, 3&1, 119, 7, 4 , 4&2, 37

It seems my life is made up of numbers today. Maybe it has always been made of numbers. Today the numbers just laugh at me.  I have no control.  Today we have another sea day. I haven't been writing on sea days. I feel these are my day-off days when I can relax from the active port days. Here is where life is MINE. For the most part, I love the sea days. I have only went slightly stir crazy 2 or 3 times when the stretch of sea days got too long and our cabin too small. We have 4 sea days from the last port till the next. We have just completed almost 3 and have 1 left , then we dock in Barbados where we spend the day with a famous photographer and learn to take some great pictures.

Monday, May 3, 2010

And the WINNER is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Drum Roll...the vote is in! Sounds of cheering .... Today we took a poll and asked World Cruisers in suite 1009 which tour of the WC was the worst tour of 2010...... the vote is in!

This is a pause to build excitement for the readers .... all 6 of you.....

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sorry Charlie

We were scheduled to dock in Benjul at 8AM but the powers that be said 10AM is better. West Africa, go figure. At 9:25 our Captain announced "Our Pilot was supposed to board 45 minutes ago (pause) “Well, (pause) we decided to get a little bit closer. I hope he will board in the next 5-10 minutes.” In our cabin we silently cheered our Captain for finally standing up to the people pushing us around these past few ports. ... :)