Sunday, April 4, 2010


We have just completed another two sea days that just seem to top all others. Just when I say it can't get beter, it does. Why is that? How can that be? you might ask.... It is so hard to put in words. I am sitting here in the Seychelles, looking out my desk window while my windows are being washed thinking about the last 4 days on the ship
We have so lucked out in the weather and sea departments in these parts of the world. The water has been like glass. Totally flat. It just glistens when you look at it. Not a ripple in site. I took some pictures and I can see the reflection of clouds on this water. Temperatures in the high 80's, sun, little breeze ..... just a joy to look out at the horizon as far as you can see and see nothing but ocean, Sometimes we get interrupted by flying fish...yes, they fly! Maybe they jump. I am not sure. They pop out of the ocean and are so small, from here, they look like outlines of birds diving for fish. They seem to come up right under the ship and then scoot away from the ship. I can never capture them on film, they are too fast for me. The sunsets, the sunrise .... magnificent. It is the kind of day(s) you just reflect and thank your lucky stars you are alive. Then you spend the day peeking as often as possible at the ocean. This has to be bottled for a rainy day. It has still been too hot to sit at the pool but we find things to do to keep us as busy as we want to be or as lazy as we care to be. David loves his games. We go to lectures. I am feigning understanding of bridge and the bidding systems--majors, minors, how to finess, if you have 13 points, blah blah blah..... always hoping to be the dummy that day so I can lay my cards down and don't have the stress of playing that hand. We had a wine tasting and movies, books to read and crafts to do. (See pictures of my Christmas ornaments) On line is tricky as it comes and goes on this ship. We crossed the equator for the third time this cruise. We get news of pirates in the area and the US blowing them out of the water..... Cool! We are told NOT to go on the balcony for photos should a pirate rethink the idea of cruising. One night we went to Jimbo's Diner for dinner. They transformed La Veranda into a Diner and served all the fixins' for a 50's diner (meatloaf, chicken, turkey dinner, hamburgers, piza, pie, chocolate cake, wine on the tables) .... Then 60 of our fellow cruisers, crew, and some of the dancers danced to country and 50's music. Many 'dressed' for the evening. I just rolled up my jeans and put on some bobby socks with my tennies. The next night they transformend the pool area into a tropical paradise so we could have dinner and dancing under the stars.

I have always dreamed of visiting the Seychelles, and here we are. I have never seen so many shades of green/blue, blue/green/ turquoise/aqua/azure in my life. The water is crystal clear, warm and inviting, and has an array of amazing colors wherever you look. In just 3 nights ( 2 days) we have sailed on a catamaran, snorkeled, fed some hungry fish, had a ride in a semi-submarine, visited a few islands, and spent time on some lovely beaches. Days are spent in the water here. Two days here is not enough. For the most part I understand the quick visit, get a quick view, and leave port days. But every once in a while I want to just call the Captain and say..Hey, let's just stay another day or two. This was one of those ports. I just want to stay. Come here. Come back. It is everything they say about it and more.

We now have two sea days...and then ....drum roll .................. AFRICA!!!! Next port...Mombasa, Kenya. In Mombasa David and I will get off the ship for about 11 hours and take a 2 hour flight to Masa Mara for a safari and spend some time in a Maasai Village. The only thing that would make this even better is to have you all here with me exploring and enjoying the wonder of this part of the world with me.

Jimbo's Diner...
Our Waiters: Mark & Mario
View from our breakfast window
Our Cruise in Chocolate
Dinner under the stars
My Christmas ornaments

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